St Joseph’s Orphanage, also known as St Joseph’s Boys Home, is a Christian charitable institution managed by the archdiocese of Changanasserry of the Syro Malabar Catholic Church in Kerala, India with its motto ‘To love and care’. This institution, from its inception as an orphanage in 1926, has been exclusively dedicated to the boys. In fact, it was originally near the St. Joseph’s Press at Changanassery that was opened to cater the employment needs of the students who complete their studies in the institution. In 1977 the orphanage was shifted to Puthussery, a village near Kallooppara in Pathanamthitta district for accommodating more students with more convenience. The 90th anniversary of this charitable institution was celebrated in 2017 with various programmes. We are extremely thankful to the benefactors who have been generously supporting it. The official title of the institution was changed into Boys’ Home according to the request of the Kerala Orphanage Control Board and according to the Juvenile Justice Act 2015. Since 1926 there have been 960 students who received intellectual, spiritual, moral and physical formation from this home, staying together for many years and they are excelling in many walks of life